Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

The Duke of Edinburgh's Awards

The Duke of Edinburgh's Awards encourage young people to design their own programme of activities, set their own goals and challenge themselves. 


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards work hand in hand with the characteristics of a Floydian scholar – it focuses on supporting students through building up resilience and working in a team. It supports the development of social and interpersonal skills, encourages proactiveness as well as boosts independence and self-confidence.








We offer Bronze award in year 9, Silver award in years 10 and Gold for those students aged 16 and over . Launch events happen at the beginning of each academic year and communicated by email and headteacher’s bulletin.







 For the expedition we work with the School of Outdoors to provide our students with an exceptional outdoor experience which is essential for completing the award.

For more information:

Information booklet: DofE information document

Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards:

The School of Outdoors website:

DofE manager at SHFGS: Gaydeliya Talipova