Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

Parent and Student Handbook and useful links

Please see this link to ParentMail.

Please see this link to Go4Schools.

Within the Parent and Student Handbook you will find information regarding:

1. Aims 23. Homework
2. Absence, Attendance & Punctuality 24. House System
3. Academic Honesty Policy 25. Insurance
4. Books & Stationery 26. Lockers
5. Bullying 27. Network
6. Cashless Catering 28. Online Payments
7. Careers 29. Parents Consultation Evenings
8. Child Protection & Welfare 30. Parents Society
9. Chromebooks 31. Partnership Agreement


10. Communication

32. Pastoral System

11. Code of Conduct

33. Photographic Images - condition of use

12. Contact Information

34. Policies

13. Closure Information

35. Possessions, Property & Protection

14. Curriculum

36. Privacy Notice

15. Educational Visits

37. School Day

16. Employment of Students

38. Sports Teams

17. E-Safety

39. Standards

18. Examinations

40. Student Restrictions

19. Extra-curricular Activities

41. Support Us

20. Financial Hardship Assistance and the Welfare Fund

42. Term & Holiday Dates

21. Food & Drink

43. Transport & Travel / SHFGS Travel Plan Guidelines

22. Health & Safety

44. Uniform, Appearance & Possessions

Bucks Schoolwear - Parent Information 2022-23

Parent and Student Handbook Forms

The parents of new students are emailed our online admission form via Applicaa

For some students there are additional forms below, please ensure that they are downloaded and sent to the school as soon as possible:

Permission to Administer Medicine

Student Healthcare Plan


Free School Meals - Pupil Premium

Instrumental Tuition

Application for Student Leave of Absence

Bucks Music Trust Information & Forms

Learn to Play with Bucks Music Trust

Bucks Music Trust Information for Parents

Bucks Music Trust for Secondary 21.22

Bucks Music Trust Instrumental Hire Application Form

Bucks Music Trust Letter for Parents 21.22

Bucks Music Trust Music Centre Registration Form 1

Bucks Music Trust Parent Billing Instrumental Application Form

Summer Music 2021 with Bucks Music Trust